MRI-1: MRI-1 Ventilator Designed for use in MRI and sensitive electrophysiology recording situations Designed for use in MRI and sensitive electrophysiology recording situations
R415: VentStar Touch screen ventilator Ideal to complement our anesthesia line Ideal to complement our anesthesia line
RW-HHP: Heated Pad for Rodent Workstand Heated pad to be installed on a tiltable work stand Heated pad to be installed on a tiltable work stand
SAR-1000: SAR-1000 Small Animal Ventilator Versatile and advanced, ideal for the ventilation of mutliple subjects Versatile and advanced, ideal for the ventilation of mutliple subjects
TC-1000: Temperature Controller Accurate, versatile homeothermic controller for a range of animals Accurate, versatile homeothermic controller for a range of animals
TCAT-2LV: TCAT-2 Temperature Controller Controls heating blankets, heat lamps or heating plate during surgery procedures Controls heating blankets, heat lamps or heating plate during surgery procedures
TRACH-1: Endotracheal tube- flexible to be used with MRI-1or SAR-1000 ventilators €98.00 to be used with MRI-1or SAR-1000 ventilators